Heisen Token - Snapshot Cutoff Date
Heisen will be a token on the Quantum Coin blockchain. Heisen is named in memory of the great quantum physicist Werner Heisenberg, who formulated the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics.
To get the Heisen tokens, you need to have the DogeP erc20 tokens on 31st December 2024 in your self custody wallet. The process to get these tokens will be published later.
Note that to get Heisen tokens, you will need to give up/burn the DogeP erc20 tokens. This process will be published at a later date.

The Vision of Quantum Coin.

Quantum Resistance
Quantum Resistance in the Quantum Coin blockchain.

Smart Contracts
Smart Contract support in the Quantum Coin blockchain.

Proof of Stake consensus.

Data Availability
Data Availability, long term and short term.

Blockchain Allocation
Bitcoin + Ethereum + Dogecoin + DogeP multi-fork.

Dynamic TPS
Dynamic Transactions Per Second model.

Source code, documentation are maintained in Github.

Quantum Coin Improvement Proposals