Frequently Asked Questions
Max Supply:
The maximum number of quantum coins that will ever exist.
Total Supply:
Total number of coins currently mined, minus any burnt coins.
Circulating Supply:
Total number of coins in circulation currently. This will be lesser than or equal to Total Supply.
Burnt Coins:
Number of coins that have been burnt. This is the balance of the zero address.
Block Rewards:
Number of coins issued as block rewards to block proposers (validators), excluding transaction fee rewards.
Txn Fee Rewards:
Number of coins given to block proposers (validators) as a precentage of the transaction fees. 50% of transaction fees of each block are given to block proposers.
Burnt Txn Fee:
Number of coins burnt as a precentage of the transaction fees. 50% of transaction fees of each block are burnt (sent to the zero address).
Slashed Coins:
Number of coins slashed (penalty / fine) for offline and misbehaving validators. These coins are burnt (sent to the zero address).
While quantum coin is based on Ethereum's geth codebase, there are major differences in Quantum Coin compared to Ethereum.
- Quantum Coin uses NIST standardized post quantum cryptography algorithms (hybrid) compared to Etheruem which uses non-quantum resistant algorithms. See Quantum Resistance whitepaper.
- Quantum Coin has 32 byte addresses (66 characters in hex including 0x) compared to 20 bytes for Ethereum. This gives Quantum Coin additional security against hash collisions.
- Quantum Coin has no priority fee for transactions unlike Ethereum and makes transaction ordering fair.
- Quantum Coin uses a customized variant of pBFT consensus while Ethereum uses Gasper. Both use proof-of-stake consensus.
- Quantum Coin has block time, gas per block, TPS, block rewards compared to Ethereum. Please see other questions in this FAQ for details.
- Validators are selected per block in Quantum Coin, instead of on a slot basis in Ethereum.

The Vision of Quantum Coin.

Quantum Resistance
Quantum Resistance in the Quantum Coin blockchain.

Smart Contracts
Smart Contract support in the Quantum Coin blockchain.

Proof of Stake consensus.

Data Availability
Data Availability, long term and short term.

Blockchain Allocation
Bitcoin + Ethereum + Dogecoin + DogeP multi-fork.

Dynamic TPS
Dynamic Transactions Per Second model.

Source code, documentation are maintained in Github.

Quantum Coin Improvement Proposals